Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas with family this year. The holiday is always too short, but we packed in as much as we could.
Here is a picture of us in front of Mom & Dad's tree in Amarillo on Christmas Eve.

Here's my mom and dad opening presents that morning before we headed to Plainview to see grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Mom just opened her Nook...and I got one too! I am super excited!

Here is a cute picture of me with Mom and Avery.

Here we are in front of the stockings at MeeMee & PaPa's house. The stockings are a sight to see...all 17 of them that MeeMee made. I should have taken a picture of the stockings all by themselves.

Here is Bryan with one of his favorite Auburn sweatshirt. He is looking forward to wearing it when they play for the national championship on January 8th. We had a wonderful trip. The best part was definitely spending time with family and catching up. We have so much to be thankful for and are truly blessed to have such wonderful families. Bryan was able to spend a couple of days in Nashville right before Christmas, and that was wonderful, too.

But, it is always nice to come home and see Adi, too! She was so happy to see me when I picked her up at the kennel, and was even more excited when Bryan came home from practice. I love how her ears perk up and her tail wags when she hears him open the garage door. She knows just what it means and she runs to the door to wait for him to come's too cute!
I am so thankful that we have this week off too. My to-do list is really long, but I'm making progress. Dentist appointments, cleaning & re-organizing, GoodWill donations to deliver. But don't worry...I'm going to sneak in a little after-Christmas shopping as well as the mani-pedi and massage that Bryan gave me for Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Big News!!! Avery and Christina are engaged! Yep, he popped the question last night. The big blizzard in Minneapolis caused some minor readjustments to the planned date, but made it extra romantic too. Check out the cool cake he had made to look like a ring box. It says "Marry me?" on the corner. Aren't they cute?
In other news, Bryan ran the White Rock Marathon in Dallas last weekend. Yes, that's his 2nd marathon in 5 weeks! His time was about the same as the Abilene race, but he actually felt better about this race. I was very proud of him! Here is a picture of his finisher's medal and his bib. This race is huge! I think there were 7,000 marathoners and 13,000 half-marathoners. You got a different medal depending on your race and a different finisher's T-shirt for each event as well.
And, last weekend Mom & Dad came to visit. They brought us these cool Adirondak chairs for an early Christmas gift. They put them together for us and Mom and I stained them last weekend. This weekend I varnished them. They look pretty good if I do say so myself.