Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, summer is rapidly coming to a close, and I have not kept up with the blog like I intended. So, here is a run-down of what has been going on "back at the Beck's".

In mid-June, Bryan ran a half-marathon in Estes Park, Colorado. His dad joined him for the trip, and they had a great time. It was surprisingly cold for June. It was cloudy the whole time, and in the mid-40's. They were glad they had coats! And, it rained on race day! Despite the less-than-perfect weather, Bryan did great at his race. His time was a little over 2 hours, which was great considering the rain, cold, hills, and elevation! He is currently training for a full marathon in October.

While they were on their trip, I was home studying for my Comps tests for grad school. Big fun, huh? But, I did pass all of them! I also did a lot of work on may professional paper...the last obstacle to finishing grad school. I will finish it this fall and graduate in December.
In July, we went to Sedona, Arizona with Bill and Lou (Bryan's aunt and uncle). We had a great trip! On the way out, we stopped at Meteor Crater just outside of Flagstaff. I had never heard of it, but about 50,000 years ago, a huge meteor landed here and made the huge crater. They think it was about 700 feet deep at the time and may have had a lake in it. But due to erosion, now it is only about 550 feet deep. It is over 2.5 miles around the crater! Here I am next to a possible piece of the meteor. It looks small, but it weighs more than a car!

Here is a picture of Bryan beside the crater. You kind of lose perspective on how big it is when you are beside it. but, the Statue of Liberty would fit inside and not rise above the rim. Or, by our estimation from our knowledge of the new Cowboy Stadium, the crater is deeper than Cowboy Stadium is tall.

The NASA astronauts that landed on the moon trained here back in the 60's.

Here we are at the Grand Canyon. No picture of the Grand Canyon does it justice, but here are a few of us beside it. Bill had been growing his beard for a while. Bryan decided he needed one to match for the trip!

Bryan and I do not always dress to match...just a coincidence. These were special Life is Good shirts that they made for Sedona.

By the way, the Grand Canyon is about 8 times deeper than Meteor Crater (and not caused by a meteor at all). It is about 10 miles across as the crow flies, but about 200 miles around the rim.

This one was taken back in Sedona on a patio on the Main Street. Sedona is absolutely beautiful! It was also really nice weather. Who knew Arizona had a monsoon season? It rained a little bit almost every day, and although it would get hot in the afternoon, the mornings and evenings were cool.

Here we are on the patio of a restaurant. Nice view, huh?

We took a little excursion one day to Montezuma's Castle. Way back when (late 1300's) an Indian tribe built this "castle" way up on the side of a cliff. They needed ladders to get up there. It was really cool, although I'm not sure I would want to live way up there.

You can't go to Sedona without hiking at least one of the big rocks. This is Bell Rock.

We did not go all the way up, although there were some people who did! But, it was fun to hike around and see all of the red rocks up close. Here I am by a little "stream" of rainwater than ran down the rock.

Here is a good one of Bill and Lou on Bell Rock. Thanks for a great trip Bill and Lou!

Adi stayed in Amarillo with my Mom and Dad while we were on our trip. I think they had a lot of fun!
We have spent a few days the past week or so working at school. I think we both have our rooms ready. And, we spent a couple of days last week in Austin. Bryan had a work conference there, and I tagged along! It was great to see my Uncle Rick and my MeeMee's Cousins Jim and Karen.

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